Sunday, May 16, 2010


Loyal readers, listeners and fans,

The time has come and now I am a graduate. Not to my surprise, I don't feel any different. When are you supposed to feel different? When you start the job? When you leave school? When is that moment of transformation going to come?

I thought maybe there was a moment last night when all of my best friends were out, having a gay old time, dancing and celebrating. I think it was the first time some of us realized it was really ending. We had some hugs here and there. Yet, that momentous feeling didn't come. Maybe that is a sign that it shouldn't come. After all, who wants it to come? Who wants to leave our little bubble and enter into "the world?" We have been spoiled these last four years.

Let's be honest, college is hanging out with friends, partying, being away from home, learning about the outside world, about our potential futures and doing what we can to make a career. This is my bubble, paradise, heaven, Cabo, Pulco, Vegas all rolled into one. And now it is time to exit that bubble. Who knows, some feeling might pop up.