Sunday, June 28, 2009

Silence Really is Golden

So I went to the sox/cubs game this afternoon. Fortunately the Sox shut the out and took the series. But I would like to talk about the fans. Every baseball game, especially in the cross town classic, fans yell and scream anything that comes to their heads. My quesiton is why? What does it do? They say it is part of the game, but which part is that? I can see how sometimes it could affect the opposing pitcher or players by getting under their skin, but how often does that work? These guys are professionals. They play 81 games in opposing stadiums. I just have hunch that they are used to the slurs and verball beatings.

So how about people start shutting up and enjoying the game. Cheer when your team wins or hits a homer. Don't be obnoxious or an asshole. Silence is golden, even in the sporting world.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today I feel like writing about the radio. First off, I absolutely hate the radio. Im sorry, but it is the most annoying thing in the world to hear the same 5 songs everyday and all day. What is the point of that? How easy is it to be a disc jockey? I thought the point of the radio is for people to hear the music they want and the music that is "in" right now. There must be more than five songs that people like to listen to.

My other complaint deals with the lyrics of certain songs. How in the world to these artists make a "boat" loud of money with these dumbass lyrics. For example, the boat song. How dumb is this song. All he talks about is partying on a boat. And today I heard a song that was a rapper just naming shots. That was the entire song.

We as consumers of this music need to demand more from these artists. We need to start acting like they need to prove something to us. Let's not throw millions of dollars their way just because th beat is catchy. Let's turn up the volume of these artists.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good and bad days

I don't think people realize the importance of understanding how to get through good and bad days. Good days are easy. They go by fast and you did well at whatever you were doing. Bad days are tricky. People screw up a project, get a bad grade on a paper or even get fired. However, the lessons to learn from these days is that we can get through it. Just because we have a bad day at work does not mean we should quit. Just because we get a bad grade on a test does not mean we should drop the class. If everything in life was easy, where would fulfillment come from? Where would enjoyment come from?

Everything in life has a cost.