Sunday, June 28, 2009

Silence Really is Golden

So I went to the sox/cubs game this afternoon. Fortunately the Sox shut the out and took the series. But I would like to talk about the fans. Every baseball game, especially in the cross town classic, fans yell and scream anything that comes to their heads. My quesiton is why? What does it do? They say it is part of the game, but which part is that? I can see how sometimes it could affect the opposing pitcher or players by getting under their skin, but how often does that work? These guys are professionals. They play 81 games in opposing stadiums. I just have hunch that they are used to the slurs and verball beatings.

So how about people start shutting up and enjoying the game. Cheer when your team wins or hits a homer. Don't be obnoxious or an asshole. Silence is golden, even in the sporting world.

1 comment:

  1. am i a stalker because i found your blog from rachels? sorry if i am...
    but i wanted to say... on the topic of obnoxious sports fans...i lost all respect for Bears fans when my husband got slapped at a Bears game for cheering when the other team won.
