Monday, September 14, 2009


Hello all,

Sorry I have not been around the last couple of weeks. It is a lot harder to blog while at school vs. being home. I know this because other bloggers have agreed with me on this. Anyways, school is school. Work is starting to pile up. I’ve been going out more than I should be. The next two days is the career fair. I'm pretty nervous about this since it helps determine my future. I think I will be fine once it starts though. And after this career fair stuff is over, I really got to get into school. Next week is going to be hell.

I have three tests and three papers due next week. And I can not start these things until I finish this career fair. This means that from Wednesday through next Wednesday I will be doing solid studying and school work. How much will that suck? However, once that is all done, I think we are going to the casino again. That should be fun.

Some encouraging news I heard this week was young inspiring journalists need to have a blog and followers. Looks like I finally have a leg up on someone in my industry.

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