Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hello World

If you want to be a professional writer, it can't be all work and no play. This blog will be the play.

The blog will consist of; lessons I learn living in Chicago, stories I see and hear as a blog editor and marketing coordinator at the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, rules I feel need to be fixed or questioned, and just everyday happenings like riding the train or eating lunch.

To be honest, it may not be worthwhile to the avid reader, but this is my platform and I intent to use it.

Today, I want to talk about networking.

No matter where you are in your career, networking is a necessity  As I have learned at WOMMA, people trust their friends and family over anyone else. Any opportunity one has to meet and greet someone new should take advantage of it. Even if they are not in your industry, there is no telling what you can learn.

Today, I met with JH who left Edelman, the biggest PR firm in the world, to brew his own beer. JH also likes to write. He is even writing a novel. Despite having a decent job, he left to do what his heart desired. Therefore, tonight, I learned that appearances do not mean everything.

You would think a writer would love working at a PR firm, let alone Edelman. However, the agency life is not for everyone. Even if you are a writer at an agency, that doesn't mean you will get to show your creativity. That doesn't mean you will get to express yourself the way you desire. That doesn't mean you will get to do the writing you want to. HENCE, appearances are not everything.

Maybe agency life is different than we think.

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