Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We Are Our Harshest Critics; What’s New?

If you have been anywhere near the Internet lately, you have undoubtedly seen the new Dove ads. In case you missed it, take a quick look.

Not surprisingly, it shows how women portray themselves as uglier versions of who they are. When the artist asks the same questions to their friends, the images come out much brighter than those of the ones self-described.

While I applaud their effort and the connection people may make to Dove products, I don’t understand why these ads are getting this much attention.

Ask any women on earth and they will without question highlight their imperfections before their “beautiful” qualities. Some are rather crazy, like when a 90-IB women calls herself fat, but many others are just harsh critics of themselves. To be honest, I don’t see anything wrong with this.

Focusing on our imperfections makes us try harder. If the woman thinks she is fat, she will be more motivated to exercise and eat right. If a man thinks he is not ready for basketball season, he will go out and play every chance he gets. It is our imperfections, whether they are there or not, that push humans to the limits they can reach. While the same can’t be applied to one’s nose or ears, it can be applied to work life, family life, financial troubles and many others. Our imperfections drive motivation.

Do you agree? What were your first thoughts after you saw the Dove ad?

For a little humor, check out how men chose to describe themselves.

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