Thursday, April 4, 2013

Don’t be Afraid to Ask the Tough Questions

As a content editor and curator, I get the privilege of talking to some of the brightest minds in the marketing industry. Afterwards, I get to put their words together into a thoughtful, and hopefully, educating story. This is by none by favorite part of my job and why I love what I do.

Last week, I was interviewing an upper-level marketer from 22squared, an agency out of Atlanta. Like any other interview, I prepared my questions beforehand. One that I was nervous to ask dealt with whether or not social media advertising is really worth it or if marketers just spend the money so they don’t lose their budget the following year. Keep in mind, social media advertising is a large portion of this man’s job, so I was somewhat stepping on his toes.

Nonetheless, as any good journalist will tell you, to get good answers, you need to ask good questions. This, my friends, was a good question and you know what; I got a good answer.

His response was, “not only can I tell you that it is worth it, but I can tell you exactly who is seeing your ad and who is not seeing your ad. Anyone who challenges me or asks what my ROI is, I say bring it.”

In the journalism world, that statement is quotable. He not only accepted the question, but was thrilled I asked it. It shows I am not afraid to challenge the status quo, even in an industry that shines on consistency, and my interview rewarded me with a personal answer.

Like any interview, the objective is to first teach your fans something new and second to shine a light into the mind of your respondent. Asking tough questions gives your readers an even closer look into interviewee’s head. This tactic could be questionable in some industries, but when it comes to marketing, the payout if well worth the investment. 

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